Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Vacationing with a baby sucks.

So, we've decided to spend a week in sunny Florida prior to the sister-in-law's wedding. It was our first plane trip with the baby and luckily, it was fairly painless on the way down. One thing that being here has really pointed out is: there is no such thing as a vacation no matter where you go as long as you have a baby. The first night we were here, we had no choice but to go to bed when she did. That meant turning off the TV and the lights at 8:30 and lying in bed staring at the ceiling until we finally passed out. The next day, we had some errands to do during the day. Husband's sister was arriving that day and was able to get a room next door to ours. We brought our video baby monitor and set it up so at least we didn't have to go to bed when the sun was still up, however, I had to stay in while husband and the rest of the family went out to dinner. I got to eat dinner at 10pm when they got back to the hotel.

The sun finally came out on day 3 and all the girls got their suits on and lounged by the pool. I've been holed up in the hotel room for the afternoon while baby naps. I almost feel like I might as well have just stayed home because there is little to no opportunity to actually relax or recreate at all. Husband is not doing anything either. We're both just kind of looking out the window until baby wakes up. I'm wondering if this is normal. If so, at least we're not abnormal, but boy does being a parent suck sometimes.


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