Sunday, July 11, 2010


sorry i haven't posted in a while. we spent a week at the beach and i haven't really been inspired to write about anything. i guess that means that i haven't been feeling very miserable lately. actually, for the first time, i'm kind of feeling like a mother. this big turn of events is due to baby becoming more of a person and less of a baby. this week, baby learned her body parts. that kind of blew my mind. she can definitely understand a lot of words, but for me to teach her stuff...i have to admit it's pretty cool. she's also very affectionate and it really melts my heart. i never thought the day would come when my stone cold heart (towards kids) would feel anything but disdain, but every time she comes over with a hug and kiss... all i can think of is "awwww".

i also haven't really bought a ton of stuff lately. i really wanted to buy stuff on the island, but there simply wasn't anything to buy. i bought baby another outfit at lilly pulitzer and a pair of flip flops for me. i did buy some stuff today - a doll for baby, an dress for baby, and a jacket for me. i'm really into outerwear right now. once fall comes, i'll be all set.


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