Sunday, October 11, 2009

Success at the mall.

Our typical weekend includes going out to the Natick Mall. Husband's main motivation is eating McDonalds at the food court. I just like browsing around and enjoying a change of scenery. We usually never buy anything, but today we picked up a few things...

From North Face:
Chocolate Brown fleecy scarf and brown fleece lined cable knit mittens
From Anthropologie:

Wind-Rippled Tee

Then, From Kenzie Kids, I got this dress by Deux par Deux:

IN STOCK Deux Par Deux My First Love Cord Dress & Tights Set
I'm almost done with baby's Halloween costume. I'll post the pics shortly. Baby turns 6 months old on Thursday. The past six months somehow seems like an eternity and a blink of an eye at the same time. There are so many hurdles we need to tackle in the next couple of weeks. First, we need to break her of the swaddle. Right now, it is impossible to put her down without being tightly swaddled up. I've been trying this during the day for her naps and the second she hits the mattress, her eyes open up so wide and she looks at me like, yeah right. Oddly enough, she naps during the day not swaddled - BUT she naps on a pillow on our bed. So, my goal is for her to nap during the day in her crib unswaddled. My hope is that by the time she gets used to that, putting her down at night won't be so painful. Our second goal is to break her of the nightfeedings. This is going to be extra challenging because she cannot fall asleep without nursing. One night last week, I tried just picking her up and rocking her back to sleep, but she wasn't having it. She put up a huge fight and all I wanted to do was go back to bed, so I lost that battle and gave in.

I don't know why I have to have these goals. I've read both sides of the fence. Some people say you have to do these things and other people say, do what you want to do. I guess that school of thought is called 'attachment parenting'. I think I fall under that category. At least we don't have a 'family bed'. I guess I'll see what the pediatrician thinks. We'll be seeing him on Thursday.


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