Tuesday, June 22, 2010


haven't posted in a while because i've been sick and the days have been creeping by uneventfully. the only blip on the radar this past week was husband's review of our expenses. what tipped him off was my unusually high credit card bill this month. because neither of us is really brining in any income, he had to take a look at how much longer we can live on the money we have with the rate of spending we are at. he finally got a good look at how much i've been spending and it wasn't pretty. he was like, what the heck are you buying?? and i said... i don't even know!!
well, i said, clothes and toys for baby... and groceries... and an occasional outfit for me here and there... and birthday presents for friends as needed. it adds up, i said!!

anyway, i vowed to try and cut back. my strategy is to only buy stuff 2 weeks out of every month. i think if i can just limit any purchases to the second and third week of the month, that theoretically should cut things down by at least a third. also, that forces me to wait to buy stuff if it's an off week hence, reducing a bulk of impulse purchasing.

will start this new tactic next month...


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