Monday, August 31, 2009

TV watchers anonymous

Having grown up as an only child with both parents who worked full time, the television was my best friend. I started watching at a pretty early age. First came Sesame Street and Captain Kangaroo. Then Mr. Rogers and Electric Company. I also enjoyed the Lawrence Welk Show, Archie Bunker and The Jeffersons. Once I started to go to school, I would turn on the TV as soon as I got home around 3pm and it would be on until about 9pm at night. On the weekends, I could watch as soon as I woke up and, if we didn't have to leave the house, it would be on until I fell asleep and night. I was able to watch pretty much whatever I wanted. I remember watching 3's Company, ALF, Small Wonder, Mr. Belvedere, Moonlighting, The Love Boat, Fantasy Island... I think I watched pretty much every single popular show in the 80's. One thing that really confused me was why one character on Growing Pains name was "Boner". I don't think that would fly on today's shows.

Not much has changed over the last 10 years. Being a homebody really helps in the ability to watch so many shows. HGTV is a real staple for shows. TLC and A&E are second runners up. A&E has those train wreck type shows that you just can't look away from - ie Intervention, Hoarders, Obsession etc... There is just so much good reality-ish TV out there that I really haven't been watching very many regular shows. I think the one show I never miss is Grey's Anatomy. I used to watch The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, and America's Next Top Model religiously, but I got burnt out on those shows. It was too much of an emotional commitment, only to be let down a couple months later because "things just didn't work out". Big surprise.

For a while, my favorite shows were American Chopper, Miami Ink, and Dirty Jobs, but those have lost their appeal too. I still watch LA Ink, but only if I remember. One show I never watched when it was on prime time was Malcolm in the Middle. It's on a couple of times during the day. That is a genius show. Hilarious. The father, Hal, in that show is just killer. The best was when Lois found out she was pregnant with their 5th kid and Hal goes out to the car to cry like a baby. Another great episode is when Hal shows off his roller skating skills. King of the Hill is another show that I really love to watch.

TV has been such a big part of my life and has taken up a larger portion of my brain than anything I learned in school. Now that I have a kid, I wonder if I'll let her become an addict. My sister in law doesn't allow her kids to watch TV at all, mainly because of the commercials. They watch tons of videos instead. I guess I'll play it by ear...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Monkey see, monkey do.

Thanks to my mom, I'm very fortunate that I know how to knit, crochet, sew, needlepoint and basically take a look at something and figure out how to make it myself. After having gone to that Adler Grier trunk show and dropping a couple hundred bucks on a necklace, I am determined to make my own. It's basically a crocheted bead rope. I've never crocheted beads or crocheted a rope before, but the internet has proven to be my #1 teacher. Between youtube videos and various beading websites, I think I can do it. I bought the supplies which was surprisingly not cheap either. Based on my necklace, it takes approximately 250 beads to make one and I chose gold filled beads. The cost for the beads alone came to $67. I also had to buy a crochet hook, thread, and a gold magnetic clasp. If it turns out well, I plan on giving it to my mom for Christmas.

One thing about being crafty sometimes is that you tend to start a bunch of projects and never finish them. I've got about 4 or 5 abandoned knitting projects, one huge crocheted afghan project that is only 1/3 completed, needlepointed belts that are 95% complete, and the list goes on. I think my most successful hobby has been quilting. I made a baby quilt, a twin size quilt, and a couple of quilt tote bags. A new quilt project for my bed has been simmering in the back of my mind as of late. The color palate will be tones of grey and light aqua. I just can't commit to buying all the stuff just yet. The second thing about crafting is the stockpiling of yarn, fabrics, ribbon, and whatever else seems to come in handy "some day". Unless you have a designated craft room, all these supplies end up as random piles in various corners of your home.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted as to how the crochet bead necklace turns out...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Purchases this week.

I've actually bought a bunch of little things this week... too many to post but here are some of the highlights:

From Target:
Product Image Mori 3-Shelf Bookcase
From Land of Nod:
4 smaller baskets - 2 grey and 2 pink

From Henry Bear's Park:
A knit your own monkey kit, by The Little Experience.

From Moolka:
Champignon Magique Teething Ring , RabbitJigsaw Blocks Fantasy Land

From Village Baby in Brookline:
(By Tea Collection. They were all 40% off....bought them for next spring)

This set above is by Scout Baby
Somehow this page got all messed up here at the bottom. Anyway, that's it for now.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Doggie blues.

Our dog, a 9 year old rescued beagle, had a really stinky mouth and it was about time we did something about it. Two years ago, the vet recommended a dental cleaning and it sounded like a great idea at the time because her mouth stank and she apparently never had any dental care before. It was an expensive treatment (around $700), but we thought it'd be worth it because dental problems can lead to more serious health problems in pets. Well, it was definitely an experience to remember. We dropped her off at the vet first thing in the morning and were told that we could pick her up around 2pm. I guess something happened (we'll never know) and we couldn't pick her up until around 6pm. She was still extremely groggy and walking like a drunk sailor. She slept it off and seemed somewhat normal the next day. I was off to a trade show and my husband was left to aid in doggie's recovery. Starting around 8 pm or so, doggie started to feel sick. For the next 12 hours, she was vomiting and crapping blood every 30 minutes or so and my husband took no less than 12 trips up and down the elevator by dawn. (We live in an apartment building). By that time, a trip to the emergency room was needed.

Our city has one of the best animal hospitals in the country. It's amazing what paying cash for services gets you. A gleaming facility, top notch doctors, and free parking. None of the human medical facilities that we go to have free parking. Anyway, upon arriving at the animal hospital, doggie was admitted right away for observation. Needless to say, the emergency visit, a day and an overnight stay ended up totaling around $2500. So, add the original dental cleaning to that... I immediately vowed to brush doggie's teeth every single day for the rest of her life. I went to CVS and purchased an electric toothbrush and went to the pet store and got dog toothpaste. I did pretty good the first couple of weeks...then I brushed, oh, every other day...then maybe once a week... then, maybe once a month... to I don't remember the last time I brushed them.

So here we are today. We brought her in yesterday to have her mouth looked at. This time we didn't take her to the vet. We went directly to the animal hospital. The dental surgeon could not have been more friendly and thorough in explaining the anatomy of the teeth and gums and the ins and outs of the procedure etc etc etc. He happened to have an opening for today, so we booked the appointment. His initial assessment of her mouth was that she had mild to moderate periodontal disease. X-rays would be the only way to tell how bad things were. Well, turns out that she needed 4 teeth pulled and an infected pocket cleaned out and filled with some antibacterial gel. The visit yesterday was $250 and we paid a $450 deposit when we dropped her off this morning. Upon picking her up today, the balance came to an additional $540. Ouch. And that's not describing the state of doggie's mouth. What we do for our pets. All we can ask of her is non-stinky kisses and the hope that she stays with us a bit longer.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I have a kid.

I kind of always believed I'd make it through life without having a kid. This all changed when my sister in law who already had two kids was pregnant with twins last year. This news sent my husband into a jealous fit and although only 34 at the time he was terrified that he'd be 40 "next year" and just starting a family. Turns out that one of the twins kind of went away, but the other one is fine and is 11 months old now. She's pregnant again, by the way.

Now that I am a mother, I don't see what the big deal is. I don't feel like it's totally changed my life - except that I don't get as much sleep as I used to and I don't get to enjoy my hobbies either. Because I'm a responsible, educated adult, I take care of my baby, but I can't say that I'm enjoying it. I could hire a full time nanny if I wanted, but it is my kid afterall, and I want it to like me, not the nanny. The daily tasks of taking care of the baby overwhelm the supposed joy of having one. I just don't see the point of having kids. So, yeah, she'll grow up, get a life and go on her way. All the while, I get to sacrifice and worry and struggle. My mom keeps telling me that if only I knew what it was like for her and my dad when they had me. They could barely afford diapers and used to dumpster dive instead of collecting welfare. The big difference is that it was their dream to have a family. Despite all their financial shortcomings at the time, they made it work and were happy doing it.

I'm not complaining about anything. I'm just saying... It's like eating your brussel sprouts. You just do it because it's supposedly good for you. Well, an analogy escapes me right now. I guess I love her. I think I have to. Yes, I can imagine life without her, but I'm not planning on sending her to an orphanage or anything. I guess I'm stuck with her. And she's stuck with me. We'll have to make the best of it.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I like bad movies.

So, the couple that came over for breakfast Saturday morning found out today that they were having a boy. They're both asian so, I'm sure their parents are absolutely thrilled. Before we found that baby was a girl, my mom was utterly convinced that she was a he and kept calling it her grandson. It took a long time for us to find out the sex because every time we got an ultrasound, her legs were in the way. We ended up going to a pay to play ultrasound place to find out and when we found out it was definitely a girl, my mom was so disappointed. It took her a while to accept that "her grandson" was really a granddaughter, but once she got over it, she embraced the fact that it was a girl. After many years of telling my mom there was no chance in hell that she'll have any grandkids at all, I think she realized that she was lucky to have one at all.

Anyway, as I was watching "Just Friends" today, I have to confess that I love totally stupid movies. I love this movie. It really makes me laugh. I also like most of Adam Sandler's movies. Some other real winners include White Chicks, Harold and Kumar, Old School, Zoo Lander, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days... I don't know.. there's just too many and I can't think of them right now. I think I like bad movies because my sense of humor is so basic. Fart sounds always crack me up.

On the shopping front, I went through the whole mall today and actually left without buying anything. I almost bought something, but nothing really jumped out at me. Now that my friends know they're having a boy, I can go out and buy them a baby present tomorrow.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

So sleepy.

I think because I've missed taking my thyroid pills for a few days, I felt so sluggish today. I could barely open my eyes at 10am and having a baby that wants to play at 6am meant that daddy had to do a lot of entertaining this morning. I didn't want today to be the first day I miss writing a post, so I'll just write about another one of my pet peeves. I really can't stand long toenails. I don't get how people can stand having long enough toenails to be able to have them painted french manicure style. Anytime I see a big toenail that hangs way over the tip of the toe just makes me mentally want to hand someone toenail clippers. How does one wear shoes with nails that long? Yuck! I'm not really obsessed with my own feet. In fact, I only get a pedicure maybe once a year because of the germaphobe thing. I take care of my own feet and usually don't have my toes painted. They're au natural. But all the nails a trimmed very nice and SHORT.

Anyway, that's all I've got for today. I need to spend some time with my pillow. And take my thyroid pills.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby boom. and more purchases.

So, our newly expecting friends came over for breakfast this morning. They had kind of a happy but uneasy look about them when observing our 4 month old. They also looked like they were handling a giant snake when we handed baby over to them to hold. I think they each held her for about 30 seconds before handing her back like a game of hot potato. We also found today out that another couple is also expecting (a girl). They live in Switzerland and kind of have no clue about babies at all. My husband got an email from the guy that basically said "HELP!!". We are new parents ourselves, but we definitely learned a thing or two in the past couple months, so we were happy share whatever advice that seemed to work for us. My advice to him was that he better start making more money since they're having a girl. Baby has more clothes than my husband and me, but her excuse is that she's constantly growing out of them. I don't really have an excuse as to why they are so expensive. For example, I got her an adorable Tartine et Chocolat number that cost $128. I think she wore it once.

One thing I love to do is splurge on baby gifts. For the couple expecting the girl, I got them an adorable knit hat and mitten set from Catimini. I couldn't find a picture of it to post, but
it's so so cute. I also got this sleeper and blanket from Lester Harry's, by Coccoli:
The couple that came over this morning will find out what they're having on Monday, so they're in for a treat from me!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Baby's first dose of Tylenol.

Is it possible for a baby to frown and smile at the same time? Apparently it is when a baby tastes infant tylenol for the first time. After our class today, we went in to get a couple of shots at the doctor. Last time baby got these two shots, she spent a couple hours wailing before bedtime, so I thought I'd pre-empt another episode like that by giving her some tylenol. Her mouth was smiling after I squirted it in, but her eyebrows were furrowed like she was angry. Definitely an interesting look. She used to have this look that we called "straw face" because she used to pucker her lips like she was drinking through an invisible straw. Kind of like Zoolander's blue steel look.

So, we started a new class today and I'm a bit disappointed. Mainly because baby is the oldest baby there and I can't really compare her to other babies and secretly think that she's way advanced. Also, I didn't really like any of the women in the class. Made me appreciate the women that were in my first class. They were all way cooler and more my speed. The women in this new class are kind of uber-career women types. They're all going back to work in a few weeks, so no chance for mid-week play dates and such. There's a woman that lives in my building who has a baby that's a few months older than mine. We never see each other coming and going in the building, but during the week, we keep running into each other shopping in various stores. It's like we're stalking each other or something. Anyway, we're both kind of shy, but I have a feeling that we'd get along. At least we have the same taste in stores...that's something, right? She doesn't work either, so maybe I'll try and start up something with her.

Yesterday, I found out that another friend is expecting. They're another couple where the husband wanted kids more than the wife. I never thought she'd do it, but she's past 35, so it was kind of now or never. We're going to see them tomorrow and I plan on offering my frank experience with motherhood so far. I didn't really think I'd ever have kids, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. So far, it's been ok. I can't honestly say that it's the best thing that ever happened to me or that I can't imagine life without her. But, I can't complain because as far as babies go, she's healthy, she's a great sleeper and barely cries. Thank god!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What I bought this week.

I'm going to start documenting my purchases to keep track of how much I am spending. Kind of like the food diary diet - I need a bit of a shopping diary diet.

From FS/NY

From Patagonia:
Baby Capilene® 3 SetBaby Micro D-Luxe® CardiganBaby Baggies™ Apron DressBaby Cotton Bottoms
Baby Cotton Cardigan
From Crew Cuts:

From Adler Grier:
(peach freshwater pearl choker necklace)

From Island Company:

From Velvet and Tweed

On Model

Oh geez. I need to stop right here. Ack!

Donut time is over.

The problem with spending the summer away from home is that you feel like you are on vacation. And when you are on vacation, you tend to eat like you are on vacation, only this vacation is 10 weeks long. So, for the past two and half months, I've been basically treating each day as an all you can eat challenge that includes succulent donuts, turkey terrifics (turkey,cran & stuffing sandwiches) and ice cream. Oh, and a pre-dinner cheese danish. After the baby was born, I not only lost the 2o pounds of baby weight but 10 additional pounds. So, now, I've gained back the 10 pounds and feel super jiggly.

Now that I'm back home, it's time to get back to reality and eat like a normal person not trying to get diabetes. Hopefully the weight will drop off again, especially since I'm still breast feeding. Apparently, it burns around 500 calories a day so, I need to aim for around a diet of 1500-1800 calories a day. Diets are the worst and I don't exercise. Ever. What seems to work for me is to keep eating whatever I feel like, just editing out the real bad stuff here and there. In the past, every time I decided to go on a diet, all I ended up doing was obsessing about food and when I can eat next and all the things I "couldn't have". Losing weight involves common sense, will power and commitment. Sounds so easy, right? That book, "Eat this, not that" puts things into perspective. I love looking at it at the bookstore...maybe I'll buy it someday.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pet Peeve #1

In case you were wondering, I did indeed have a date with my little yellow friend. Unless Labor Day weekend is as nice as the last few days have been, I think today is the last time we'll be together until next summer. Anyway, I almost didn't write an entry today since I wrote two yesterday but I'm watching Toddlers and Tiaras and feel like I need to do something productive.

I'm kind of a weird germaphobe. You wouldn't think so because I share a fork with my bite for me, one bite for Rosie. But I'm terrified of the stomach flu, catching MRSA, and now H1N1. I don't really wash my hands enough, so if I do catch any of those diseases, that could be a good reason why. Have you ever noticed when you step into an elevator with someone, all of a sudden the act as if they've just held their breath for the past 30 minutes. They take a breath in and then exhale a blimp's worth of hot air inside this 5x5' sealed box leaving you to breathe in the contents of their lungs. The worst is when not only you have to inhale all their germs, but when you can smell their mucousy breath too. Usually, if i'm only going one or two floors I can hold my breath until those doors open and I can get to the fresh air...but if it's a long ride, then I ration the oxygen left and only inhale as minimally as possible.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Small world blah blah blah

This warrants a second post for the day while it's still fresh and while I'm in the mood. Today I was invited to a trunk show hosted by an old employee of mine. Actually, I can't really call her an employee because she is my mom's age and really just wanted something fun to do to fill her time. She only worked like, 5 or 10 hours a week. Anyway, she also lives here during the summer and invited me to check out this jewelry made by a mother-in-law/daughter team. I walk in and am introduced to the designers and right away, the daughter looks at me and says....I know you.....and I kind of recognized her too and asked her where she went to high school - yeah, we went to the same high school... she was two years younger. It's a pretty crazy coincidence because our high school was a boarding school in Virginia. So, after I browse their stuff and pick out a couple things, I go to pay and the mother-in-law is writing up my order. I give her my address...turns out she lives two brownstones down from us in the city is best friends with our neighbors across the hall. Just when you think you live in your own little bubble... Funny that this happened after I was saying how I'm all anti-social and stuff.

Motivation already waning.

Day three of this blog and I'm already losing steam. I realize not all bloggers post an entry every single day, but it's a slippery slope. You miss one day and then maybe time you know, a month passes by and then you think, forget it!

Today, I had another little get together with the sun. We hung out for about an hour and a half and my skin happens to match my chocolate brown tank top. Success!!! My husband looked at me and didn't recognize me for a second, and then just shook his head. My ultimate tan was achieved on our honeymoon in Hawaii. Instead of sunscreen, I purchased this brown, sludgy concoction (see below) that promised a "Maui tan". Which was perfect, because we were in Maui. A couple baking sessions with this stuff and it truly delivered. I was darker than George Hamilton. The real compliment came when we went shopping around the Wailea Shopping Village and the sales people assumed I was a local. Granted, there is a large filipino population in Hawaii, however, I attribute my blinding bronze glow to their mistaking me for a local. It was my pale-ish, blonde husband that kind of said were were visitors. Are you tired of reading about my tan yet? At least I don't have year round weekly appointments at Hollywood Tans or anything like that.

Anyway, we've decided to go home Thursday instead of tomorrow. That gives me and my summer fling one more day together... It's just not the same trying to get some color when you live in the city. Friday, baby and I start a new mommy/me class. We already took a six week class in the spring. I missed the last two classes, so I didn't solidify any friendships that the class tries to ignite. Plus, I was the only non-working mom in the class, so I felt kind of like the odd man out. Maybe I'll meet some nice new ladies in this next class, although, I have to admit I'm kind of a snob. It's true. It's a wonder that I have any friends at all. In fact, in my 12 post college years, I really haven't made any new friends. I just don't care enough to try and get out there and find a new buddy. I'm a one or two friend kind of girl. Looking back, I really only had one best friend in grade school, two good friends in high school and three close friends in college. I'm not a big social butterfly and I like sticking to myself or my already established friends. I guess I'm anti-social. I was worried that maybe the real problem is that perhaps I am an undiagnosed Asperger's case, but when put in social situations, I do just fine. I just don't seek out social situations. I blame being a single child. That's my go-to excuse for a lot of things. Don't even get me started!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Genius strikes at the most inopportune time.

Last night, I was up around 4:30 am. Naturally, all these great and fascinating topics come to mind with the computer out of reach and a baby trying to get back to sleep on my lap. (Last time I tried to start a blog, I could never think of anything to write about with the blank screen in front of me and the cursor taunting me to put something in its place. It was only when I was somewhere where there was no paper, pen, computer, etc that I felt like a literary genius. Kind of akin to the times in college where I was so sure I could just bang out my math assignment if only I wasn't watching a movie with my friends, yet at the library all set to do work, I could barely get around to even reading the questions. Also akin to those times before itunes when you would go to a record shop to buy cd's but once there, not being able to remember a single artist that you "liked". )

So I am trying to decide which of the brilliant topics I came up with last night to start writing about because given my thrill-a-moment lifestyle, I don't want to blow my load on the first day.

Note to self, topics for future entries: my many pet peeves, favorite 20 or so tv shows, and my diet.

Today is Monday and we are packing up and heading home on Wednesday after spending the last 10 weeks at the beach. This summer was the first we've spent away from home. I was very reluctant at the beginning of the summer to leave home but it's turned out to be quite pleasant. Our activities here have been really limited to taking care of the baby, however these last few days, I've actually been able to catch up with a good old friend, the sun. I love to tan and I don't believe in sunscreen. I liken my appearance to a monkey - I like to call myself monkey brown. I'm of southeast asian decent, so I tan very easily and at least once a summer, I challenge my skin to see how dark it can get. I must say that I'm pretty pleased with its performance this summer. It's all fun and games until I hit 50 and look like Magda from Something About Mary. I don't know if I'll live that long, so why not live it up now? Skin cancer is not much a concern. It rarely afflicts people of my nationality. Anyway, I am definitely looking forward to being home.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Let's try this again.

This is my second attempt at keeping a blog. The first attempt never really materialized beyond setting up the blog itself. It was going to be about my adventures as a reluctant mom, however, I had a hard time writing the first post and then abandoned the whole idea. I am by no means a writer. I have no business even pretending that I can write. In college, I took the single required english course and whenever there were papers assigned in any of my other classes, I had someone else write them for me.

I love reading blogs and follow about 15 of them on a daily basis. I guess I've been inspired to try and start my own. Time will tell if I keep it up. I'm a pretty simple person who enjoys being at home in front of the tv or the computer. Not much material can come out of this lifestyle, but who knows. Maybe something interesting will pop up.

One thing I wanted to be sure to write about is my latest discovery of Stop and Shop brand gelato. I don't know if it's a new product because I only ever shop at Whole Foods, but being away from home for the summer, Stop and Shop is the only gig in town. I am not a huge ice cream fan, but I do like having some in the freezer. Enter pistachio gelato. It is delicious! Smooth and creamy, not too sweet, and not to heavy... AND it's only 8 grams of fat per serving. Next time you are in a Stop and Shop, I highly recommend trying this out.