Monday, August 17, 2009

Genius strikes at the most inopportune time.

Last night, I was up around 4:30 am. Naturally, all these great and fascinating topics come to mind with the computer out of reach and a baby trying to get back to sleep on my lap. (Last time I tried to start a blog, I could never think of anything to write about with the blank screen in front of me and the cursor taunting me to put something in its place. It was only when I was somewhere where there was no paper, pen, computer, etc that I felt like a literary genius. Kind of akin to the times in college where I was so sure I could just bang out my math assignment if only I wasn't watching a movie with my friends, yet at the library all set to do work, I could barely get around to even reading the questions. Also akin to those times before itunes when you would go to a record shop to buy cd's but once there, not being able to remember a single artist that you "liked". )

So I am trying to decide which of the brilliant topics I came up with last night to start writing about because given my thrill-a-moment lifestyle, I don't want to blow my load on the first day.

Note to self, topics for future entries: my many pet peeves, favorite 20 or so tv shows, and my diet.

Today is Monday and we are packing up and heading home on Wednesday after spending the last 10 weeks at the beach. This summer was the first we've spent away from home. I was very reluctant at the beginning of the summer to leave home but it's turned out to be quite pleasant. Our activities here have been really limited to taking care of the baby, however these last few days, I've actually been able to catch up with a good old friend, the sun. I love to tan and I don't believe in sunscreen. I liken my appearance to a monkey - I like to call myself monkey brown. I'm of southeast asian decent, so I tan very easily and at least once a summer, I challenge my skin to see how dark it can get. I must say that I'm pretty pleased with its performance this summer. It's all fun and games until I hit 50 and look like Magda from Something About Mary. I don't know if I'll live that long, so why not live it up now? Skin cancer is not much a concern. It rarely afflicts people of my nationality. Anyway, I am definitely looking forward to being home.


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