Thursday, August 20, 2009

Donut time is over.

The problem with spending the summer away from home is that you feel like you are on vacation. And when you are on vacation, you tend to eat like you are on vacation, only this vacation is 10 weeks long. So, for the past two and half months, I've been basically treating each day as an all you can eat challenge that includes succulent donuts, turkey terrifics (turkey,cran & stuffing sandwiches) and ice cream. Oh, and a pre-dinner cheese danish. After the baby was born, I not only lost the 2o pounds of baby weight but 10 additional pounds. So, now, I've gained back the 10 pounds and feel super jiggly.

Now that I'm back home, it's time to get back to reality and eat like a normal person not trying to get diabetes. Hopefully the weight will drop off again, especially since I'm still breast feeding. Apparently, it burns around 500 calories a day so, I need to aim for around a diet of 1500-1800 calories a day. Diets are the worst and I don't exercise. Ever. What seems to work for me is to keep eating whatever I feel like, just editing out the real bad stuff here and there. In the past, every time I decided to go on a diet, all I ended up doing was obsessing about food and when I can eat next and all the things I "couldn't have". Losing weight involves common sense, will power and commitment. Sounds so easy, right? That book, "Eat this, not that" puts things into perspective. I love looking at it at the bookstore...maybe I'll buy it someday.


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