Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Motivation already waning.

Day three of this blog and I'm already losing steam. I realize not all bloggers post an entry every single day, but it's a slippery slope. You miss one day and then maybe two...next time you know, a month passes by and then you think, forget it!

Today, I had another little get together with the sun. We hung out for about an hour and a half and my skin happens to match my chocolate brown tank top. Success!!! My husband looked at me and didn't recognize me for a second, and then just shook his head. My ultimate tan was achieved on our honeymoon in Hawaii. Instead of sunscreen, I purchased this brown, sludgy concoction (see below) that promised a "Maui tan". Which was perfect, because we were in Maui. A couple baking sessions with this stuff and it truly delivered. I was darker than George Hamilton. The real compliment came when we went shopping around the Wailea Shopping Village and the sales people assumed I was a local. Granted, there is a large filipino population in Hawaii, however, I attribute my blinding bronze glow to their mistaking me for a local. It was my pale-ish, blonde husband that kind of said were were visitors. Are you tired of reading about my tan yet? At least I don't have year round weekly appointments at Hollywood Tans or anything like that.

Anyway, we've decided to go home Thursday instead of tomorrow. That gives me and my summer fling one more day together... It's just not the same trying to get some color when you live in the city. Friday, baby and I start a new mommy/me class. We already took a six week class in the spring. I missed the last two classes, so I didn't solidify any friendships that the class tries to ignite. Plus, I was the only non-working mom in the class, so I felt kind of like the odd man out. Maybe I'll meet some nice new ladies in this next class, although, I have to admit I'm kind of a snob. It's true. It's a wonder that I have any friends at all. In fact, in my 12 post college years, I really haven't made any new friends. I just don't care enough to try and get out there and find a new buddy. I'm a one or two friend kind of girl. Looking back, I really only had one best friend in grade school, two good friends in high school and three close friends in college. I'm not a big social butterfly and I like sticking to myself or my already established friends. I guess I'm anti-social. I was worried that maybe the real problem is that perhaps I am an undiagnosed Asperger's case, but when put in social situations, I do just fine. I just don't seek out social situations. I blame being a single child. That's my go-to excuse for a lot of things. Don't even get me started!


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