Friday, August 21, 2009

Baby's first dose of Tylenol.

Is it possible for a baby to frown and smile at the same time? Apparently it is when a baby tastes infant tylenol for the first time. After our class today, we went in to get a couple of shots at the doctor. Last time baby got these two shots, she spent a couple hours wailing before bedtime, so I thought I'd pre-empt another episode like that by giving her some tylenol. Her mouth was smiling after I squirted it in, but her eyebrows were furrowed like she was angry. Definitely an interesting look. She used to have this look that we called "straw face" because she used to pucker her lips like she was drinking through an invisible straw. Kind of like Zoolander's blue steel look.

So, we started a new class today and I'm a bit disappointed. Mainly because baby is the oldest baby there and I can't really compare her to other babies and secretly think that she's way advanced. Also, I didn't really like any of the women in the class. Made me appreciate the women that were in my first class. They were all way cooler and more my speed. The women in this new class are kind of uber-career women types. They're all going back to work in a few weeks, so no chance for mid-week play dates and such. There's a woman that lives in my building who has a baby that's a few months older than mine. We never see each other coming and going in the building, but during the week, we keep running into each other shopping in various stores. It's like we're stalking each other or something. Anyway, we're both kind of shy, but I have a feeling that we'd get along. At least we have the same taste in stores...that's something, right? She doesn't work either, so maybe I'll try and start up something with her.

Yesterday, I found out that another friend is expecting. They're another couple where the husband wanted kids more than the wife. I never thought she'd do it, but she's past 35, so it was kind of now or never. We're going to see them tomorrow and I plan on offering my frank experience with motherhood so far. I didn't really think I'd ever have kids, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. So far, it's been ok. I can't honestly say that it's the best thing that ever happened to me or that I can't imagine life without her. But, I can't complain because as far as babies go, she's healthy, she's a great sleeper and barely cries. Thank god!


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