Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Small world blah blah blah

This warrants a second post for the day while it's still fresh and while I'm in the mood. Today I was invited to a trunk show hosted by an old employee of mine. Actually, I can't really call her an employee because she is my mom's age and really just wanted something fun to do to fill her time. She only worked like, 5 or 10 hours a week. Anyway, she also lives here during the summer and invited me to check out this jewelry made by a mother-in-law/daughter team. I walk in and am introduced to the designers and right away, the daughter looks at me and says....I know you.....and I kind of recognized her too and asked her where she went to high school - yeah, we went to the same high school... she was two years younger. It's a pretty crazy coincidence because our high school was a boarding school in Virginia. So, after I browse their stuff and pick out a couple things, I go to pay and the mother-in-law is writing up my order. I give her my address...turns out she lives two brownstones down from us in the city is best friends with our neighbors across the hall. Just when you think you live in your own little bubble... Funny that this happened after I was saying how I'm all anti-social and stuff.


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