Sunday, August 16, 2009

Let's try this again.

This is my second attempt at keeping a blog. The first attempt never really materialized beyond setting up the blog itself. It was going to be about my adventures as a reluctant mom, however, I had a hard time writing the first post and then abandoned the whole idea. I am by no means a writer. I have no business even pretending that I can write. In college, I took the single required english course and whenever there were papers assigned in any of my other classes, I had someone else write them for me.

I love reading blogs and follow about 15 of them on a daily basis. I guess I've been inspired to try and start my own. Time will tell if I keep it up. I'm a pretty simple person who enjoys being at home in front of the tv or the computer. Not much material can come out of this lifestyle, but who knows. Maybe something interesting will pop up.

One thing I wanted to be sure to write about is my latest discovery of Stop and Shop brand gelato. I don't know if it's a new product because I only ever shop at Whole Foods, but being away from home for the summer, Stop and Shop is the only gig in town. I am not a huge ice cream fan, but I do like having some in the freezer. Enter pistachio gelato. It is delicious! Smooth and creamy, not too sweet, and not to heavy... AND it's only 8 grams of fat per serving. Next time you are in a Stop and Shop, I highly recommend trying this out.


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