Monday, September 21, 2009

I don't like being in a bad mood.

I think what really puts me in a bad mood is not necessarily the lack of sleep. It's the hours at night that I'm up rocking the baby while I can hear the husband snoring away. For example, last night, baby was up from 1:30-2:45 for a feeding and then wide awake from 4am-6am. I don't really mind the feed and put back down rendezvous, but it's the hour of rocking on the chair followed by the hour of walking around the room jiggle dance to desperately get this kid back to sleep. If I don't pick her up to do this, she'll just yell and yell and eventually cry, so to spare my eardrums, I just pick her up right away before all the histrionics.

I suppose nothing is stopping me from kicking the husband to get up and deal with the baby, but he does have to work and I don't. I should be napping during the day when she naps. But who can nap at 11:30am when the sun is shining and there is two loads of laundry to do? If I napped when she napped, then I'd never have any "me" time. I like me time. Anyway, I doubt husband would be all smiles and fuzzy bunnies in the morning if he was rocking a baby for 2 hours while I slept. He can barely hold the baby for more than 20 minutes straight before he "gets tired". This whole imbalance of baby care between a man and a woman is why men think it's no big deal having kids and women are more and more reluctant to go down this road. Ultimately, it's the woman's job to care for a child. Men seem to only be capable of brief entertaining and occasional diaper changes. If a man were to be asked to do more of the childcare, then tension is created because they have to "work" and shouldn't be expected to do more than they feel like doing at home. Now, I can't complain that much because husband is responsible for all meals and also acts as my chauffeur, but it's those middle of the night sessions that really kill me. I hate it!!!


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