Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lucky 7.

Today is my 7th year wedding anniversary. As each year goes on, it seem like less and less of a big deal. We just take it for granted that we are together and assume we'll be together for the rest of our lives. We've actually been together 11 years and knew each other for 15 years. Where does the time go?

I can say that I'm certain that I married the right person. Although he's not perfect - I'm definitely not - he's as good as I can imagine and sometimes I need to remind myself how lucky I am that he's willing to put up with me. Right before we got married, my mom asked him point blank: "Are you absolutely sure you can handle this brat? Believe me, it's not easy." Gee thanks, mom.

Now that we have the kid, things are kind of different. I feel like we're not us anymore. The days of drop everything and hit the movies or let's eat a quick dinner at the bar or let's lie in bed and watch tv until 3pm on a Saturday are over and now it's all about what's the baby doing, how's the baby feeling, what does the baby need right now. I'm still adjusting to the new way of life, but boy do I miss our old way. I feel like most normal people don't think this way - they feel like having this focal point is what's been missing in their life.

Anyway, we usually go out to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary. I think this year, we'll be ordering pizza. At least pizza is one of my favorite foods.


jules said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!
Pizza is fine way to celebrate by the way.

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